Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Insanity - Week 6, Day 1 - Max Cardio Conditioning

Mmmm ... chocolate.  Sorry, was having my moment in heaven.  Drinking my ice-cold chocolately shake after doing Max Cardio Conditioning is like drinking an ice cold beer after mowing a quarter acre lawn by hand - wonderful. 

Okay, I don't mow the lawn and it's not a quarter acre.  I did mow the lawn once though and it was so terrible that I absolutely refuse to do it again.  I have only done it once in the almost eight years that we've owned this house, and never again.  Our yard sucks.  It has been relegated to TH's domain of "Things You Have To Do That Your Wife Won't".  Also on that list is killing spiders and other crawling or flying things, entering the shed, and going in the basement. 

Anyways, back to Max Cardio Conditioning.  Guess what I did?  Can't?  Well, I'll tell you.  I did FOUR S-S jumps.  For those of you who don't know what that means, it's going into push up form, walking your legs to the side, bending your knees, and jumping over to your other side.  Like doing a half-assed hand stand, but instead of going backwards onto your knees when you fall, you go side to side instead.  Almost.  It's damn near impossible and I couldn't do any of them last week.  But, I did four of them today, so I'm pretty freaking excited about that.

Also, I've made some changes to the blog site here.  I'll go into more detail on those in a separate post later on today.  Took me almost all damn day, and I'm still not sure if I like the layout.  I did create a handy dandy Contact Me Form in the side bar on your right, but I think I might have to make a page just for it.  The more I look at it over there being all big and loud, the more I want it to have a place of its own. 

Oh, I've been giving it some thought.  I'm going to have a "Make A Banner".  You will make me a banner.  You will e-mail them to me.  I will pick the one I like best to use as NFBL's banner & logo.  You will get a prize.  I haven't exactly ironed out all the details yet, but once I do, you'll be the first to know!

Must go shower and finish shake.  It's almost bedtime.  And yes, I'm saying that at 4:34 a.m.  :)

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