Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Insanity - Week 8, Day 2 - Double Trouble!

Have you ever been denied something you really wanted?  You coveted it?  You dreamed about it?  It was the first thing you thought of in the morning and the last thing you thought of before going to sleep, only to dream about it?

Lorraine Swiss Cheese.

I want it.


The kick in the butt is we have some in the fridge.  And I can't have it because I'm still on the Shakeology Cleanse.  As soon as I woke up on Monday, I wanted it.  I have been coveting and craving that single piece of goodness for three days.

Tomorrow, it shall be mine.

However today, we had Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs.  Now, it should prove my dedication to Insanity that I stopped playing Diablo III for a good 2 hours to make sure I got both workouts in AND prepared my next step in the Cleanse.  It should also prove my dedication that instead of logging right back on, I stopped to make this very nice post for you. :)

Max Cardio Conditioning was good, but exhausting.  I did eight diamond jumps today!  EIGHT!  That's like a record!  I love the knee kick bend things.  They just workout out everything, though I was having a hard time keeping my balance.  Come to think of it, I've had balance issues all week so far.  I wonder if it's because of the cleanse.  Something to compare to when I do tomorrow's workout.

I still think the best workout ever is Over The Rivers.  It's so deceptively simple, but if you go at it slow and controlled, you can literally feel your muscles building while you do it.  I've actually caught myself doing them while standing outside.  I think if I could do those for 20 minutes every day, I'd be a happy camper.

Alright, that's enough Insanity babble for today.  I have demons to go kill.  My level 21 witch doctor isn't exactly the most patient girl on the block.  :)

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