Saturday, May 19, 2012

Insanity - Week 8, Day 3 & Day 4 & Facebook Challenge!

This post is going to cover two workouts.  Why?  Because TH and I were being huge dorks yesterday and played Diablo III all freaking day.  You know what that means right?  Yeah, the workout didn't get done.

So, I'm doing them both today.  Which is going to suck monkey chunks.

Day 3 of week eight was Max Interval Circuit.  I just finished it and I'm dog tired now.  I got a new record for S-S Jumps though - nine!  I was so proud of myself!  I was also able to do the Full Body Drills a lot better than the last time I did them.  By this I mean I was ALMOST able to do two full sets without stopping to rest my arms.  That's huge!  Doing the moving push-up jacks is still a bit discombobulated, but I did them!

The only thing that still gives me trouble with Max Interval Circuit is the Side Suicide Jumps.  The problem is I still have that flabby roll (thought it's A LOT smaller now), and doing any kind of get-down-jump-back or to the side move is a real pain in the butt.  It gets in the way a lot less than it used too, but it's still an issue.  It's my dearest wish that when I do round 2 of Insanity in two months and two weeks (Turbo Jam!  June 4th is our start date!), that problem will be corrected.

Going to save this post here and add to it once I get done with Day 4, which is Core Cardio & Balance.

Hey!  I'm back!  Yay!

So doing Core Cardio & Balance after doing Max Interval Circuit wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  Doing the squat exercises was a study in concentration and the ability to "dig deeper", but the other exercises?  Not terrible, except for the Shoulder Burner Plie's.  I hate those things, and I double hate it on a double workout day.

Core Cardio & Balance is like one huge giant stretch workout.  I know I've said it before, but if you are like me and don't have nice sculpted muscles, doing this workout slow and controlled is freaking fantastic.  I love feeling the burn because it's taking me to the goal I want to be at.  I also hate it because I'm going to be soooooo sore tomorrow because I did these two workouts within an hour of each other.

I really don't have too much more to say about today's exercises, so I'll stop rambling about it now.

As you know, NFBL has a Facebook page.  On that page, I have issued a challenge.  This is mostly for my Facebook readers, but I figured I'd mention it here too.  The challenge is as follows:
As you all should know, I'm coming to the end of my 60 days of Insanity. Due to some real life circumstances, I had to push a workout or two back, so I won't actually do my Final Fit Test until Monday the 21st. However, I issue this challenge:

If Nerfing Flab, Buffing Life reaches 40+ "likes" by Tuesday, May 22nd at 12:00 a.m. CST, I will post ALL my numbers on this page. These numbers will include the number of each exercise for the Fit Test AND my physical measurements, including weight (grrrr...).

I look back at my starting numbers and realize how out of shape I was. I'm still not in the greatest shape ever, but I'm a lot stronger and happier now. I want to share those with you and inspire you to take the step I did. You can do it!
Feel free to share, and "Like" NFBL on Facebook!  :)  For those of you who may be new to this blog, and want to read how my journey through Insanity has progressed, you can click this link or head up to the "Insanity & Results" tab in the navigation bar.

Well, off to take a nap/sleep so I can wake up and do Max Interval Plyo.  Oh freaking joy.  LOL!

Going out to our campground for a trio of birthdays.  Be back on Sunday! 

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