Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Insanity - Week 7, Day 2 - Max Interval Plyo

So, if you're keeping up with the NFBL Facebook page, you already know I was too sore yesterday to write a post about Week 7, Day 1.  In fact, I'll even copy the 'blurb' I put up in case you missed it. 
So - you can blog post for yesterday. I hurt too much, but I kicked the Fit Test's butt, waited about an hour, then did my Max Interval Circuit. Whoever came up with that combination needs to be covered in honey, set upon by bees, then dumped in a salt barrel. Not really but holy hell it was hard to get through it. The thing I love about Insanity is it never gets easier...the better YOU get the harder you push. The harder you push, the harder the workout. So - consider this your blog post for Week 7, Day 1. :)
There ya go.

Anyways ... Max Interval Plyo, I feel I failed you today.  I couldn't push myself because my damn muscles are still sore from yesterday.  Normally, I'll drink my yummy Chocolate Shakeology after my workouts.  Except for yesterday.  I should have been smarter.  Instead, I drank it before we went to see Avengers (OMG - 3D - IMAX - AWESOME!!!!) and as a result, Max Interval Circuit AND a Fit Test left me feeling like a 90 year old woman, and walking like a 100 year old man.

I like what I said up there:

"...the better YOU get the harder you push. The harder you push, the harder the workout."   

It's totally true.  I pushed myself to the max yesterday so I could destroy my previous fit test results (which I did ... mostly)I couldn't push as hard for Max Interval Circuit, but I did my best.  I'm really not looking forward to double workouts again for MY Wednesday I say my Wednesday because it's still Tuesday for me.  :P 

Today, like I said, I felt like I couldn't push myself as hard as I wanted.  I wanted too, but I knew with the amount of tightness and soreness I had in my calves and thighs (and my abs...and just about everything else...LOL), hurting myself wouldn't be a good idea.  So, I took it slow and barely managed to hobble my way through to the end.

It felt so good to stretch then collapse.  :) 

I think that's all for now.  I'll try to get my posts up more quickly.  I'm working on a completely nerdy "Look I play video games and like it!" one in my head as I type this one.  It's turning out to be full of nerd and awesomeness. 


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