Thursday, May 3, 2012

Insanity - Week 6, Day 3 - Max Interval Plyo

I was trying to find a picture that could fully explain my feelings on how Max Interval Plyo kicked my butt yesterday, and this is what I found on some random website on the internet:

Because I thought I was going to die yesterday.  It was 81 degrees in the house to start.  And this was at 4:30 in the MORNING!!!  Second, I was sore beyond belief from Max Interval Circuit the day before.  Everything freaking hurt.  EVERYTHING.  Third, Daisy the Deaf Cat kept trying to lick the buckets of sweat rolling off my body from whatever body part she could reach.  (gross!)  I don't even remember the workout because I was dying.  I know I drank 32 ounces of water in an hour and was STILL thirsty.  But as for progress on any of the workouts?  Couldn't tell you. 

Somehow I made it through it.  And today I feel a bit stronger.  So that pic up there, randomly found on the internet, explains exactly how I feel right about now.  Minus the fact that even though the air conditioning is now on, it's 80 degrees in here and I'll need to do my workout in a few hours.  Hopefully it gets cooler in here by then, but I sincerely doubt it.  Our house gets hotter at night than it does during the day.

Today is Max Recovery!!!  I'm so happy and looking forward to it.  I need it.  :)

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