Thursday, May 10, 2012

Insanity - Week 7, Day 4 - Max Recovery

Thank you Max Recovery.  My muscles don't feel so abused anymore.  :)

I don't really have much time to write something funny or interesting.  I still have to fold laundry, gather ingredients for coleslaw, put my homemade frosting on my homemade brownies, finish packing our clothes, take a shower, set my alarm for 4AM so I get up in time to do my workout before we leave, and take out the garbage.

And yes, I realize I'm on a diet, but the kick ass brownies aren't for me.  We have community food weekend at the campground - brownies and coleslaw our TH and I's contribution to the yumminess.  But, I do have to say that the pre-cooked batter tasted awesome, and so does the frosting (I had to make sure hey tasted okay before I baked them didn't I???).  Brownies made from scratch are about the only things I can bake really well.  Everything else comes out like ... well ... crap.  TH is great at baking though.  He makes a great pumpkin bread.

Anywho, Max Recovery feels great, and I really wish I could do it everyday.  I know I'm going to sleep like the dead tonight.  So, I'm going to end the post here.  And since this one isn't as fun as most of my other ones, here's something to make you giggle:

 Have a wonderful weekend everyone!  :)

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