Thursday, May 10, 2012

Insanity - Week 7, Day 3 - Double Workouts Again!

I've been so behind all week, so I'll apologize for being lazy and not posting this yesterday after I did it.

Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs.


Mother Nature has been playing hell on my knee all week with these random freak storms we've been getting.  Yesterday, it was sunny & gorgeous one minute.  Five minutes later it's pouring ass rain and then it started to hail!  Another 5 minutes go by and it's sunny and gorgeous again.  I thought my neighbor's garage was on fire because it was smoking, but was just steaming because the "burst" was cold and the temp rose by like 15 degrees after it passed.  It looked kinda cool actually.

Anyways, the reason I went off on a random tangent was because rainy weather effects my knee weirdly (HURTS!!!!!!!!) and trying to workout on an aching knee that can't be fixed with ice and an Ace bandage isn't fun.  And Max Cardio Conditioning isn't exactly the easiest workout in the bunch.  But, my knee and I made it through, though when I woke up this morning I almost hit the floor because it gave out on me.  That hasn't happened in a long time.

S-S Jumps are still nearly impossible to do.  I think last time I posted I was able to do four of them, which isn't terrible considering my flabby gut keeps getting in the way.  Suicide Jumps can go to hell, and Diamond Jumps?  I can jam out a few then I'm dying.  Cardio Abs is like a walk in the park normally, even after MCC, but it was just killing me!  I don't know why.  Maybe the flab is moving out of the way and my abs are actually able to do something besides hide.  /shrug

I swear to cheeseburgers they make these things harder every time I do it.  I'm still aching!  So happy that today is Max Recovery, though since we're going to the campground this weekend, I'm going to have to find a way to do Friday's workout before we leave, since we had planned on leaving after TH gets home from work at 6 am.  Maybe I'll do Recovery after I go grocery shopping, then do Friday's workout before I go to bed.  That could work, if the knee feels up to it. 

And I'll do Saturday's workout on Sunday to help burn off the bad things I'm most likely going to be eating and drinking.

For giggles, I weighed myself before I worked out (but after I had already eaten breakfast), and found out I've lost another half a pound since Monday's Fit Test.  Bonus!

Okay, I've got a million things to do, so I'm going.  Thirsty Thursday is underway (water, water, water...until you feel like you're floating!) and I've got to go drop a corned beef in the crock pot for sandwiches later.


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