Monday, May 7, 2012

Insanity - Week 6, Day 6 - Completed!

I know, I know I know.  Today (Monday) is actually the start of Week 7 for all you normal people.  I however am not normal.  Like you really needed me to tell you that!  Since I was occupied on Saturday (party!!!), I moved my Day 6 workout to Sunday...and this is Sunday for me until I go to sleep. 

It's done!  I really love Core Cardio & Balance.  I've gotten a bit better at the end exercise, which are called Shoulder Burner Plie (I think).  I can totally tell that the bottle of Shiraz, 4 Miller Lites, and 3 Rum Chata shots effected me.  More than just a small headache and major dehydration too.  My muscles didn't want to cooperate, but I made them!

I suppose it also doesn't help that my "weather radar" a.k.a. my right knee has been in intense pain all day because of the storms we had rolling through here.  Some pretty spectacular lightning and thunder though!  I've gotten to the point where I can *almost* stand and look out at the storms for more than a half a minute.  :)  For those of you who may not know, Let me explain further.

I love storms.  I used to love standing out in storms and watching the thunder and lightning.  However, last summer, we were out at our campground and lightning hit a tree less than 30 feet from us.  Exteremely long story short:  A rather large piece of bark/tree came flying and hit me in my right eye.  Big black eye, bad vision, and doctor bills ensued, as well as a trip to the emergency room.  It's all healed and better now, but I still have this fear of lightning, which pisses me off because I love storms.  The picture is of me in the emergency room in Dixon right after it happened.  I think they got my bad side.  Also, being given pain drugs when you've been hit by a lightning tree after drinking ISN'T very smart.  You'd think a doctor would know that, but I wasn't about to argue until I got nauseous and they gave me a grape-flavored anti-puking pill....which only made it worse because I can't stand anything artificially grape-flavored.

Anyways, with Core Cardio & Balance behind me, and the storms hopefully over so my knee stops aching, I can focus on Week 7.  It's starting with a Fit Test and Max Interval Circuit when I wake up later on today (which then, and only then, will it be Monday).  I'm still maazed at how quickly this whole 60 days has gone, but really looking forward to getting rid of the rest of my flabby stomach roll with Turbo Jam.  Who knows, maybe these last two weeks will show some amazing improvement for me, and I'll have less belly to work off. 

I bet if tell myself I can't do it, it'll happen.  :)  We'll see.  Laters!

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