Thursday, May 3, 2012

A New Coach, New Clothes, & Tilted Kilt

So, my first exciting news of the day happened just a little while ago.  A good friend of mine had been working out with P90X last year (or maybe the year before, I can't remember at the moment) and stopped.  When he started reading my Facebook posts about Insanity, he picked his P90X back up and has been doing it everyday since.

Today, he became the very first person to sign up as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach under me.  I'm so happy and excited for him, as I know he's going to be excellent at motivating and inspiring others to improve their lifestyles.  He's always posting up how he's doing, songs or sayings that help him stay on track, and being very vocal in our various accountability pages on Facebook.

So, a big huge "Congratulations Jon"!!!  :)

The second wonderful thing that happened today was I finally got my Kohl's shipment.  If you are a guy, you may want to just skip over this part, because I highly doubt you want to read about boob insecurities.  Since starting Insanity, I've been stressing that I'd lose boob size while doing it.  TH would not be happy about that, and honestly, neither would I.  They are the one part of me (besides my hair pre-highlights) that I actually liked.  Well, I finally got a 30% coupon to Kohl's and since the damn store rarely carries my size (or if they do, it's the really ugly old-lady styles), I ordered them from online, which I've never done for that particular piece of clothing.  Since I got sick of wearing stretched-out-missing-the-underwire bras, I ordered a bunch of them, thinking I could return the ones that didn't fit or I didn't like.

I'm keeping them all.  They fit great, look great, and that's all I'm saying about that.

The third great thing actually happened yesterday.  TH and I went out with some of his friends from work to Tilted Kilt.  Tilted Kilt is like Hooters but 1,000,000 times better.  They are a designed around a Celtic/Scottish/Gaelic theme (obviously) and their servers outfits are way better than Hooters, hands down.  They have great food as well.

Copyright Tilted Kilt.
The TK Lager (house beer) is delicious.  They also had something called a 'Beergarita' which is a margarita made with Blue Moon.  They also had a Spinach Chicken salad to die for.  It has spinach, grilled chicken, feta, dried cranberries, bacon, hard-boiled egg, and a house vinaigrette.  I got it without the bacon and it was fabulous!  I only had one TK lager and TH and I split the Beergarita, because I had to try it.  I drank iced tea the rest of the night. 

Now, it's storming and the lights are flickering, so I'm going to end this post here before I lose power.  I need to go find candles and a flashlight.  Later all!

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