Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Insanity - Week 4, Day 2

Day 2 was Cardio Power & Resistance.

Not really too much to say about this that I haven't said before.  Although, I was able to do some Power Jumps, and contrary to that blog post, I did make it through most of the intervals today.

So that's something at least.  :)

My right leg is still bothering me some and it's making me feel guilty that I can't put 110% into my workouts.  Especially when I'm doing the plank workouts.  It really pulls something nasty then and it's all I can do to just get a couple reps in so that it can be stretched and worked.  Unfortunately, stretching it out to its fullest during the stretching phases doesn't help much either. 

TH said something to me the other day that made me extremely happy.  "I can tell it's working because this is smaller."  The "this" he was referring to is the love handles.  Personally, I can't see a difference anywhere except in the fact I can breathe through most of the exercises now, but then again I'm constantly staring at myself in the mirror looking for something I can point at and say "Hey!  That's going away!"  But, it doesn't work that way.  :)

Also, this Tropical Strawberry Shakeology is ... shall I be nice?  No, this is my blog.  I don't have to be nice.  It's gross.  Sorry Beach Body, but I would take stale water & moldy bread before ever drinking this again.  It's chalky, filmy, and just....I don't know.  Nasty.  I LOVED LOVED LOVED the Chocolate Shakeology.  It was fantastic and I want more.  But I think you missed a step in the process of creating this one.  Yeah - the one that makes it taste good.  For those of you who like it, more power to you.  This is just my opinion of it, and I will go into more detail when I'm finished writing my Shakeology Review, which should be posted in a day or two.

As for me?  I'm going to go play Minecraft.  I've got myself a castle to build.  :)

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