Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Insanity - Day 30 Results

So I have some pretty exciting news for you readers.  Yep, numbers!  I wasn't going to post these until the end, but I decided against it.  In fact, I wasn't going to post them at all, because they are kinda personal.  But, I wanted to show that hard work and eating right (okay, maybe not right, but smaller portions) DOES work.

I probably would have better results if I hadn't fallen off the wagon a few times ("Eat The Brownie!" Extravaganza ring a bell?), and if I had followed the Insanity meal planner.  However, I wanted to do this with the food that I'm used to eating and that we had in the house already.  Each grocery shopping excursion had more healthy food than non-healthy food, but I'll go into more detail after the numbers.

Oh, and if you think I'm putting up pictures of myself, you've got a few screws loose.  No way in hell am I putting pics of my flabby body in a pair of tiny shorts & sports bra on the internet.  No.  Way.  In.  Hell.  Yet.  Wait until I hit my goals.  :)

So, I'm pretty ashamed of this (Day 1 anyways) but here they are:

Day 1 (3/19/2012)
  • Weight: 217 lbs.
  • Waist: 44"
  • Hips: 49"
  • Chest: 42.5"
  • Right Arm: 16"
  • Left Arm: 15.5"
  • Right Thigh: 27"
  • Left Thigh: 27"
Day 30 (4/17/2012)
  • Weight: 210.8 lbs.
  • Waist: 41.5"
  • Hips: 46"
  • Chest: 42.5
  • Right Arm: 15"
  • Light Arm: 14.5"
  • Right Thigh: 25.5"
  • Left Thigh: 25.5"

To break it down further, I've lost a total of 6.2 pounds, 2.5" off my waist, 3" off my hips, 2" off my arms (combined), and 3" of my thighs (combined).   

That's a total of 10.5" lost in 30 days!

YAY ME!  /happydance

So, let's talk about what I've been eating.  I know I'm going to get the "Really Becky?"  from Coach Brandy, but you have to understand a few things.  I've never eaten much throughout the day; I'm used to eating maybe once or twice until I'm stuffed.  Sometimes, I wouldn't eat at all, or we'd gorge ourselves on chips & dip/salsa or pizza while playing video games.  Eating 5 times a day is STILL hard for me.

Giving up my Mt. Chill (generic Mountain Dew from Jewel) was terrible.  TERRIBLE.  But I did it.  I gave up a lot of my creamer, regular milk, candy, most sweets, ice cream, cookies, chips.  But, I didn't give them up completely.  I'd have a few Doritos (and by few I mean two or three at most), and one time I even made a mixed drink with my soda & whiskey.  I've had small pieces of cake.  It's better for me to have little pieces of these things I love so much so I won't go overboard one day and eat just gorge myself on bad things.

For meals, if we were out, or at someone's house, I would eat what they had prepared, but in smaller portions.  If they had potatoes, I didn't eat a giant mound, but just a tiny spoonful (because I love potatoes).  If it was sloppy joes, I'd have the meat without the bun.  If I'm at home, which I am 90% of the time, I have my Special K Strawberry Cereal Bars, cashews, almonds, Dannon Fit & Light Strawberry yogurt, salads (romaine, baby bellas, carrots, radishes, a little bit of feta cheese, sometimes I throw avocado in it with raspberry vinaigrette), granola cereal (which I also used in the yogurt), hard boiled eggs, humus, frozen veggies & fruit, chicken, homemade beef jerky and more.  I'm not going to list everything because I really don't feel like it.

Needless to say, I have plenty of healthy choices to mix & match to make my meals differently each day.  But, I ALWAYS try to eat within an hour, 30 minutes if I can, of waking up each morning.  Always.  I also try to drink at least 32 ounces of water before my workout and 32 ounces after.  What I drink during my workouts isn't counted towards my 64 ounces of daily water intake.  I eat 1 hour before I workout, and no less.  I can't eat any sooner or it makes me sick to my stomach with all the jumping and crap. 

For the first three weeks, I used My Fitness Pal religiously.  I've slacked on it since the end of Week 3, but I can feel when I've had too many calories or not enough.  I know it sounds weird, but it's true.  Too many and I feel sluggish and sleepy.  Too few and I'm light headed and dizzy.  And hungry.  LOL!

So, there's a bit of insight into my eating habits.  I don't go overboard, but I don't deny myself the things I crave.  I portion out my food, eat when I'm hungry, and drink my water.  And it's worked, as the numbers have shown.  If I wanted to make those numbers bigger, I'm sure I could.  But, I'm not trying to lose 50 pounds in 60 days - that's not healthy.  This is a lifestyle change in how I personally view food and how it effects my body.  I don't want giant numbers right away.  I want slow & steady, so eating right and exercising daily becomes a habit, not something I'm forced to think about every single day

So, big "YIPPEE!" for me for my Day 30 accomplishments, and I hope for you too.  :)


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    1. I'm very sorry it took so long to respond. Here is the link for the Facebook version of this blog: I don't do the Twitter thing. :)
