Thursday, April 26, 2012

Insanity - Week 5, Day 3

Max Cardio Conditioning is Pure Cardio on crack.

Seriously.  If you don't believe me, try them both.  I wouldn't recommend doing them both on the same day though, unless you're built like Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Even then I would caution it.

"I'll be back" got turned into "Kiss my a$$" when I did this on Wednesday.  I don't know how people doing this for the first time can claim they did "all the exercises the right way" unless:

  • They are Arnold in disguise. 
  • They are already fitness maniacs. 
  • They take steroids. 
  • Are former gymnasts.
  • Are former undercover agents or similarly highly trained government agents who are trained to beat the crap out of themselves.
    Yes, it's hard.  Very, very hard.  There were a couple where I just stood and looked at the screen and LAUGHED because I knew my former couch-potato butt would NOT be able to them.  Not that I didn't try to do them, I did.  I fell over trying to laugh at my attempts between breathing like a steam engine.

    For people who are "big boned" (hahaha) like me and have never done a regimented exercise program like Max Cardio Conditioning before, do yourself a favor and try to do at least two of them.  Then modify the rest to something very similar so you don't risk injuring yourself.  I'm dead serious.  Some of the moves are very painful if you do them wrong.  Yes, I know this, because I did them wrong and pulled things.  So, be careful, go slow, and if you can't do what they are doing, modify it until you get stronger.  Each time you do them, try to add two to three more, until you realize you don't need to modify anymore.

    Max Cardio Conditioning contains a lot of what I'll call combo moves.  They combine many of the exercises from Month 1 into 1 exercise with an added twist.  Sometimes the addition is something simple like lifting your arms, sometimes it's more difficult like lifting your arm and leg off the floor at the same time while in high plank position.  I can't stress it enough - Don't Try To Keep Up With Them Unless You're In Shape Already Or You've Done The Workout Before. 

    So, that's enough about Max Cardio Conditioning.  I was very ticked off at FedEx yesterday for lying to me.  They said my coaching materials and Shakeology would be here, and they were not.  I was so looking forward to my shake after the hell of yesterday too.  But, no shake.  I settled for water.  Again.

    Okay, gotta go jam out another post about today's workout.  :P

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