Monday, April 2, 2012

Insanity Fit Test - Week 3

Today was my second Fit Test.

I improved!

It doesn't matter as much that every other measurement number went up, except my arms, which went a little bit down.

It doesn't matter that I gained 4 pounds since I weighed myself last week.

What does matter is that I was able to do 5 - yes FIVE - push-up jacks today.  It killed me, but I did them!!!!  (Super excitement there.)

What matters is that now I just have more incentive to work harder.

I felt better after doing the Fit Test today.  Beforehand, I was ticked off and down on myself for fallen off the wagon a couple times when out with family.  The fact that I improved (sometimes only by 2 reps, by hey, that's good!) showed me that I am NOT doing this because I'm a sadistic, insane person, and that it IS working. 

With my first Fit Test, I was a pile of sopping, sweaty, hurty human.  Today, I wasn't.  I pushed myself harder than I did then, with better results - not breathing as heavy, no major muscle complaints, no urges to puke or cry.  Creepy Cats weren't staring at me (they have learned to GO AWAY when I'm working out), and, though it was 80 degrees in the house, I wasn't a pile of sopping, sweaty, hurty human.  Just mega sweaty.  :)

Here I come Week 3!  Better watch out!

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