Thursday, April 12, 2012

Insanity - Week 4, Day 4 - Cardio Recovery

I'm so glad today is a Cardio Recovery day for two reasons.

Number One: One of my brother's spawn must have gotten me sick.  My step sister is sick too, which is just wonderful.  /end sarcasm  I love my nephew & my niece, but I don't love their sickness.  My chest is tight, my head aches from dry coughing, and I keep sneezing and sniffling all over the place.  Which annoys me and makes my head hurt more.

Number Two:  Cardio Recovery isn't hard, and it's a short workout.  If today was, oh say Plyometric Cardio day or Pure Cardio day, I'd fore go my 30 day prize of new window coverings for one room, curl up in bed, and sleep for 24 hours.  That sounds like a wonderful piece of heaven right there.  On the other hand, if I miss a day, I also fore go my 60 day reward for finishing Insanity, which is a new vacuum.

And I really, really, really want a new vacuum.  One with many pet hair attachments.  And no bags to empty, change or buy.  Having three cats is like having a permanent fur rug.  That vacuum is my personal motivation to keep moving forward, just like having some form of non-crappy window coverings in the Office to keep the glare off my computer screen is my 30 day motivation.  There's nothing worse than a boss fight where you can only see half of what's going on due to glare.

"Sorry that heal didn't land.  It's the sun's fault."  Yeah, that doesn't work.  I've tried it.

So, I'll do my Cardio Recovery.  I'll drag myself to the shower, and hopefully sleep blissfully until 7:00 a.m. rolls around.  Or maybe 10:00 a.m.

On the plus side of things, my muscles are gong to get all nice and stretched today, so maybe they'll stop aching like crazy.  The right hip finally seems to be doing better, so yesterday during the hated Plyometric Cardio Circuit, I was able to give 110% again.  It felt great.  :)

So, off to wheeze my way through some Recovery.  :)

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