Friday, April 20, 2012

Insanity - Recovery Week, Day 4

Hi everyone!  Lots of things going on today!

First and foremost, today, finally, I felt I was able to give 110% to my Insanity workouts again, even though it's Recovery Week.  I only broke down coughing three times!  And, to be brutally honest, I can totally tell that I haven't been exercising to my full potential for the last week and a half.

*glares at Half Squat, spawn of my brother*

Though, I do have to admit, I didn't sweat or shake as much on the exercises today, though I pushed myself harder (even with TH home).  I think it's because I was actually able to breathe.  Core Cardio & Balance isn't really that difficult-looking, but because this whole week is more about control and your abs, it's pretty tough.  Especially for the ab-less like me.  All of the movements are done "slowly" (compared to the rest of Insanity, yeah it's slow) and with more focus on controlling your breathing and keeping your core tight.  So, it's still a damn good workout.  :)

Another good thing happened today.  We went over to my dad and stepmom's house for dinner.  We had BBQ'd chicken (mine was not BBQ'd, though I did dip a few pieces into the BBQ sauce), brussel sprouts (yummy!) and buttered-dill-red potatoes.  I only had a few potatoes....because I love potatoes.  I had a little piece of chicken, and a lot of brussel sprouts.  TH and I also tried a new beer by New Belgium Company called "Dig".  It's yummy too!  But, being the good person I am, and not wanting Brandy to give me that "Becky...."  she gives me when I'm bad, I only had half a bottle.  :)

The other good thing has been in the works for well over a year.  We FINALLY moved TH's Grand Prix into a spot where my dad can work on it.  He blew a piston ring (we hope) over a year ago, the day after we bought new tires for it.  The car has been sitting in my dad's driveway since March 2011, waiting patiently for my dad to fix it.  TH is happy because he misses "his baby" and I can't wait to be able to sell my car and drive the Terrain full-time...if I ever have anywhere to go.  LOL!

Also, if you haven't seen it yet, I finally did put up my review of Shakeology.  It isn't as polished as I'd like it to be, nor is it up to my standards, but it's 100% complete.  I posted up my Insanity Day 30 Results (including numbers!) yesterday too.

I'm also considering some design elements for my blog, to make it a more enjoyable experience for you readers.  I'm really getting sick of looking at that crappy "banner" that is composed of all letters and nothing fun or interesting.  Maybe I'll have a Banner Contest and display the one I like the best.  Hrm...maybe.  I'm also thinking of adding some pictures - of the creepy cats, some Beach Body stuff, maybe one of TH & me.  I don't know.  I'll have to play with it.  I like to change things when I don't really have to...because I like changing websites.  :)

So yeah, I've turned this from a "Hey Recovery Week Day 4 was awesome!" post into a "Hey, Recovery Week Day 4 was awesome, and here's all the rest of the crap I'm thinking about" post.  So, I'll stop here and see how many things I can change before I log off for the night.  :)

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