Sunday, April 1, 2012

Insanity - Day 13, Week 2 - Complete!

Today was my first "double" workout - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs.  If you remember from my post on Friday, I had to swap Saturday & Sunday, so this means 7 days in a room of working out in the coming week - which includes the Week 3 Fit Test tomorrow.

Pure Cardio kicked my butt.  I felt the rueben and fries I had for dinner yesterday, with the 2 shots, 2 amber ales, and 3 sodas.  Cardio Abs is deceptively hard.  The exercises themselves don't seem terrible, but when you're actually doing them, oh my God you can feel it burning.

And TH woke up halfway through Pure Cardio, so I had to pause it and closet him in the office with the door shut so I could finish swearing at Shaun.  He didn't mind though; he's building a farmhouse in Minecraft, so I don't even think he noticed my swearing or jumping around.

After my 10 minutes "I'm dying don't talk to me", I made a Chocolate Shakeology with 2% milk and 2 cups of frozen strawberries.  It's freaking awesome.  Coach Brandy sent me a couple to try, and I'll post a review of my testing of it when I finish them.  But right now, it's getting an A+ from me - in taste, effects, and pure awesomeness.  I was dog-tired after my workout, but since I've been drinking it, I'm a bit more perky then I was before. 

Now, I'm sitting here typing up my blog post, drinking a kick ass shake that's actually chocolatey and healthy for me, with random cat hair stuff on my legs.  TH was sleeping, so I couldn't vacuum before I did my work out.  Nothing like a little extra fur to motivate you to workout out faster & harder so you can clean it up.  :)

On another note, I got my Beta Invite for World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria yesterday!  Yay me!  I've got it installed and ready to go, but had to work the body before the video games.  Now I just have to decide what I want to do first: Panda, Priest, or Paladin.  :P

See ya tomorrow!

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