Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Here's what I think about Plyometric Cardio Circuit.


For those of you non-gamers, that means "Die In A Fire".

Every single time I do it, it seems harder.  It's a great workout, don't get me wrong, but you'd think after a while I'd be able to get through the intervals.  Granted, this is only Week 3, but still.  I'm not a wimp, I'm kicking my own butt...still can't get through a complete interval without stopping to breathe.


Anyways, today was the first workout of Week 3, and Plyometric Cardio Circuit was first up.  Figures.  And guess what?  Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs are up tomorrow!  YAY!  (Can you feel the sarcasm?)  The weather is "threatening" to rain, so of course my knee is killing me and the only "ice" we have is in TH's lunch container keeping it cold.


I also didn't clean the house today.  I was supposed to, but damn it was hot in here!  So, I played a bit of Minecraft, Mists of Pandaria beta, and finished the book I was reading.  Got my munchies in, all my water, did my workout ( /growl at Plyometric Cardio Circuit), and gave the Creepy Cats some play time with little fuzzy mice.

Oh, and speaking of things that are fuzzy, I wanted to say something about Week 3.  You suck!  Week 2 was a walk in the park with the sun shining, birds singing, and fluffy, fuzzy bunnies compared to you.

I bet I say the same thing about Week 4.  :P


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    1. If you'd like to find out more, please use the "Contact Me" option and I'd be happy to give you all the information you ever wanted. :)
