Monday, April 16, 2012

Insanity - Week 4, Day 6 - Completed!

Month 1 is OFFICIALLY OVER!!!!

/happy dance

If you haven't been reading this blog very long, it's quite possible that you have no idea how much I hate Plyometric Cardio Circuit.  You can read all about this love/hate relationship by clicking here.  In fact, I didn't think it was possible to hate it anymore than I did.

I was wrong.

Here's why.

My dad's 50th birthday was on April 10th, and the family has been planning a surprise party for him for MONTHS.  So on Easter Sunday, we threw him a fake party and combined his birthday with Easter.  Or so he thought.  The real party was yesterday (Saturday the 14th), and it was fantastic.

I did really good on not over eating.  I did really good by only having a teeny tiny piece of cake.

However, we drank A LOT.  And by A LOT, I mean A LOT

Since I started Insanity, I've avoided alcohol, because hey, beer belly.  Well, I didn't avoid it yesterday.  I drank my calories.  Many times over.

Needless to say, today was filled with "I don't want to move."s and "Do I have too?"s and "Please for the love of all that's good and happy, give me some aspirin."s.  I also didn't feel like eating at all...however I forced myself to eat some carrots & roasted red pepper humus, and a few hours later a Special K cereal bar. 

On TOP of all that (like it couldn't get worse right?  Wrong...), I'm still sick and while breathing normally has become a little easier, add any sort of activity and I'm coughing so hard I get light-headed.

So, let's re-cap:
  1. A Little Hungover
  2. Didn't Eat Enough
  3. Still Sick As A Dog
And it freaking figures that today (well, Saturday's) workout had to be Plyometric Cardio Circuit. 

Mother Flying Freaking Figures. 

I finally gathered the courage to attempt it a little while after I ate my cereal bar.  I made it through the workout, but only by sheer willpower and happy thoughts of my shiny new vacuum.  Again, each interval I was only able to wheeze my way through between 15-30 seconds before I started coughing again, but at least I did something.  I absolutely can't wait until I can breathe normally again and start giving 110%.  This whole week has been slightly down-grading in my ability to finish a workout properly. 

I literally crawled back to my desk to write this blog post after lying on the living room floor, sweating, breathing like a horse, and telling TH I was dying.  He's such a sweetheart.  He took off my shoes and sopping wet socks, and then he turned the ceiling fan in the office on so I'd have some motivation to get off the floor.

Monday I start Recovery Week, which is a whole week of Core Cardio & Balance.  I'm kinda looking forward to it, because that is my worst area and I'll hopefully be recovering from being sick.

Now I want a pillow and some cold medicine.  Be nice to me Month 2!  I've heard you're horribly mean!

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