Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Insanity - Month 1 Review - Core Cardio & Balance

So, today was my first day of "Recovery Week".

Oh.  My.  God.

I Love You.

This workout feels amazing - even sick.  It stretches, lengthens, works, and even relaxes your muscles.  It's like a Workout Spa, or a really good massage.  You know the the ones where it hurts, but afterwards you feel amazing?

Yeah, that's Core Cardio & Balance.

I thought it also might be a good idea to do a monthly overview of my Insanity.  So far, the people in my head have stopped yelling at me, but I know they're still there.  Just kidding.  :)  On a serious note, this has been one awesome, hurty month.  Some one should copyright the word "hurty" because it's so apt.

Looking back, Week 1 was an experience that has no words to describe it, but I remember that I had so much energy!  I felt better about myself for getting off my lazy butt and doing something about my flab.  I also met Coach Brandy right before I started and she, my family, and friends have been so awesome about supporting me.  But I wanted to give a huge special "THANK YOU" to Brandy for the Facebook messages, the text messages and the two hour long phone calls.  You are so great at what you do, and don't ever doubt it!  Every time I didn't want to do a workout, I heard you in the back of my head saying "You can do it!", and I'd get off my butt and do it.  So, yeah, you're the best.  /hugs

Weeks 2, 3, and 4 are pretty much equal in energy, hurtyness (copyright ME!), and effectiveness.  I really didn't feel like I was progressing at all during Week 2.  I was constantly grabbing my cloth tape to measure a body part, or turning on the Wii to weigh myself.  This is wrong and don't do it.  Muscles swell, and you'll actually gain a bit of weight.  Also, muscle weighs more than fat.  Anyways, I got a little depressed about it, but pushed through.  When Week 2 ended, I was pretty much like "What's the damn point of killing myself everyday doing this insane crap?  Yeah, I'm more energetic and all that fun stuff, but I don't see a difference."  Then I did my Fit Test for Week 3.

Holy Cow!  I improved!  Yeah, it wasn't by leaps and bounds, but I improved.  It renewed my spirit and I pushed hard.  During Week 3, I also pulled something in my right leg near my hip, but I went easy on it, still did my workouts, and tried not to further injure it.  It's all better now, but for a couple days it was agony.

Week 4 is pretty much a blur because I've been sick, was planning a huge surprise 50th birthday party for my dad, and just generally feeling rundown.  I did my workouts everyday, but I couldn't push with the same amount of enthusiasm as the previous week.  I'm still blaming Half Squat (my nephew) even though my brother tells me it was actually my 9 month old niece, but she's so damn cute, there's absolutely no way she could have given me this sickness.  :)

I don't have final measurements for Weeks 1-4 because I only measure and weigh on Fit Test days.  I made myself stop playing with the cloth tape, not to turn on the Wii and weigh in, and to just stick to my normal schedule.  It's easier that way, for me anyways.  I don't want to constantly be worrying if I'm not eating right or if I lost a pound or two or ten.  I'll find out every other week.  However, I WILL break this rule of mine on Day 30 (which is coming up).  I want those measurements so I can show Before, During and After stats.

So, that's Insanity Month 1.  If you've made it this far, you can keep going.  It can only get better from here, right?  :)  If you're new to this page, you can read about my weekly progress by clicking this link.

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