Thursday, March 29, 2012

"Eat The Brownie!" Extravaganza

Copyright by Chili's Restaurants
 Yesterday, my stepmom & I had some errands to run, and since we're both on the unemployment bench, we decided to save gas and do them together.  This turned into lunch, which turned into the "EAT THE BROWNIE SUNDAE!" extravaganza.  We went to Chili's.  And Chili's has decent food, but their fire-grilled corn guacamole is awesome.  And so is the Molten Chocolate Cake & Brownie Sundae.

She was supposed to stop me from ordering the sundae.

She didn't.

I spent the next THREE HOURS in so much pain.  One, because I had managed to eat my entire main course (even though I promised myself before we went in I'd only eat half) and then, on top of that, stuffed the Brownie Sundae in.  I finished all but like 4 bites of that.  And it had ice cream on it too.  And hot fudge.


Needless to say, after the hurting stopped long enough for me to do my Day 10 Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit, I really, really hated that lunch.  I felt sick, slow, and ... blah.  But, I did the workout.  I wanted to puke all over the floor, maybe curl into a ball and cry, but I did the workout.

What lesson did I learn?  Don't go errand running with your stepmom, and stuff yourself stupid at lunch.  Also, listen to the good gargoyle on your shoulder, not the evil one.

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