Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Nerf? Buff? What Are These Words?

Okay, so I realize that I probably fall into a small category of people who play video games as an adult.  That said, the "normal" person probably has no idea why I think the title of this blog is creative & genius.  So, I will explain.

The word "Nerf"

The word "nerf" in my world means many, many things: it can strike fear, it can cause anger, whining, crying, griefing, bitching, moaning, high-fives, cheers, and praise.  It can be negative or positive.  It is not to be confused with the children's toys, because I'm not throwing soft, squishy round objects out of a plastic gun at myself hoping my fat will go away.

In the case of this blog, it's a positive action.  I'm nerfing flab (commonly known as fat rolls, spare tires, extra luggage - you get the drift) - most of which have been caused by lots and lots of beer, bad eating, sheer laziness, video gaming and probably some genetic coding that I can't be blamed for.  Just a note: video gaming doesn't make you fat.  There are plenty of skinny gamers.  But having a World of Warcraft marathon for 72 hours eating chips & pizza and drinking beer during that 72 hours, with the only "exercising" you're doing is walking to the bathroom and running outside to smoke - yeah that could probably make you fat.

The word "Buff"

To "buff" something means the direct opposite of to "nerf" something.  It means to make it better, give it more power, or make it equal to its surrounding things.  It too can cause anger, whining, crying, griefing, bitching, moaning, high-fives, cheers, and praise - depending on who or what is getting the buff.

In the case of this blog, I am buffing life - my life.  I want to walk down the street in Chicago after seeing Blue Man Group and not be huffing and puffing like a steam engine.  I want to chase my nieces and nephews around and not feel like I'm dying.  I want to be healthier, eat better, and be able to wear shorts and tank tops in the summer without feeling self-conscious.  Or hell, maybe even a swimsuit!  That would rock.

So, nerfing flab, buffing life isn't some random words I put together.  They have a direct correlation between who I am, what I enjoy doing, and who I will be.  That is why it's an absolutely genius title.

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