Saturday, April 14, 2012

Insanity - Week 4, Day 5

Well, I did a half-assed job at Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs last night.


You guessed it - still sick.  I already felt miserable before I did it, then while I'm doing it I kept asking myself if new window coverings and a vacuum was worth dying over.

The answer was yes.

We've been living in this house for almost 7 years...and I've had to deal with glare on my computer screen for 7 long years.  Blinds just aren't cutting it anymore.  So, I pushed through.

Now, doing Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs when I'm NOT sick is not a walk in the park.  Doing them while breathing like a horse after the Kentucky Derby AND coughing so hard I though my head would explode brings it to a completely different level.  It went something like this:

Warm-Up: Dying by the first interval set of Jumping Jacks (for those who don't know...that's the second exercise in the warm-up and there are three intervals).  It went downhill hill from there until the third round of Butt Kicks where I tried to get my legs to do what I was telling them, and they just didn't want to.  I think I managed to do like 10 of them, but nothing like I normally do.

Stretching: It wasn't too terrible unless you count the all blood & snot rushing into my head, making it feel like a 20 pound weight on my shoulders.

The Actual Workout: We don't even want to go there.  There aren't enough cuss words in any language to describe the hell that it was trying to get at least a few reps of everything in.  Remember how I was so proud to do three or five Moving Push-ups?  Yeah, I barely did one. Suicide Jumps were impossible, so I tried to do push-ups instead.  Uh huh - tried being the operative word here.

Then the stretching again, and finally, finally I could lay down on the floor.  I took a shower, my night-time cold drugs, and crashed.

Things I've learned:
  • When the spawn are around, stay VERY far away.  
  • Working out didn't make me feel any better, but it didn't make me feel any worse than I already did.  
  • I didn't skip my Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs, so that means my own selfishness was put on the backseat to getting the workout done - that's a good thing, especially for a lazy person like me. 
  • Doing a little bit of everything, even 1 or 2 reps, is better than not doing them at all.
Okay, off to do some stuff.  Gotta eat and take more meds.  :)

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