Thursday, April 26, 2012

Insanity - Week 5, Day 4

Max Recovery!  Oh, I love you!  Except for the whole balance-yourself-on-one-arm-and-leg-sideways thing.  That really was not fun.  Come to think of it, neither were all the push-up activities you threw at me.  But all is well with the world because I have chocolate.

Yep, that's right, FedEx finally came through and delivered my Shakeology and coaching materials today, as well as the program I will be doing next, which is Turbo Jam.  I'll be doing it with another woman who's doing Insanity right now too.  Projected start date is currently May 28th or June 4th.  If you're interested in doing it with us, contact me and I'll get you some details.  :)

Now, Max Recovery isn't rushed, it's all about control and breathing.  And push-ups.  I know, I should be HAPPY Shaun's making me work my arms out, but damn man!  They hurt already!  They need a break too!  At the rate these videos are turning out to be, I'll definitely be able to kick anyone's butt when this is all over.  :P 

The other exercises, that don't deal with your arms, are targeted towards your core.  This is good because my core could definitely need some more work.  But, I don't feel exhausted or aching, so hopefully tomorrow I'll wake up feeling better than I did when I woke up this afternoon.

Speaking of tomorrow, thank you Will County Courthouse for screwing up my Friday.  You couldn't call me in for Jury Duty ANY other day of the week, but because TH and I made plans to leave for our campground tomorrow afternoon, you decide to call me in for morning trials.  I swear, if I have to sit there from 10:00 am until 4:30 pm again just to be told all the trials settled and we can go home, I will be one seriously pissed off person.  I would have rather been there Monday, yesterday, and today then on my Friday. 

Oh, and maybe you should train your people to not tell those of us who got called for a trial that we wouldn't get called again.  Because we did.  Not that I mind being on Jury Duty.  A few years back I was on a murder trial for two weeks, and it was very interesting.  But don't tell me one thing, then do the exact opposite.  It's rude.  So please, let me just have to be part of the morning session and not he afternoon session too.

Pretty pretty please?

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