Friday, June 22, 2012

Insanity - Week 1, Day 5 & 6 - CP & PCC

Pure Cardio and Plyometric Cardio Circuit.  Jesus H.

Somehow, I managed to skip a day somewhere and my schedule got weirded, so I had to do these two workouts today.

Needless to say, I'm tired, I'm sore, and I just want to crawl into bed and sleep for 10 hours. Except 10 hours of sleep is wishful thinking on my part. 

Today has been crap since I was rudely awakened by Yarly the cat.  I won't go into details, but that cat has hit the high point on my shit list.  Adding to the fact I somehow missed a hard workout, and had to make it up today, plus do Friday's workout before we leave for the weekend, and I'm just not a happy camper. 

Going to shower and make myself a shake, and then hopefully sleep for a few hours before I drive us out to the campground this weekend.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. Replies
    1. Trying not to been cooked - literally. Been a very very hot last couple of weeks (actually, going on a month now), and being the smart person I am, decided to hold off on doing Insanity because exercising in a house that stays at 90 degrees with the window unit cranked on high isn't very smart. Also, TH has gotten a promotion of sorts and is now on Day Shift, so I've been trying to acclimate myself to his new schedule, which is working a lot better than I expected considering I am not a morning person AT ALL. Job prospects are still nil, and I've been sucked into reading the In Death novels by JD Robb (aka Nora Roberts). I've read some of them before, but not the whole series. Hopefully, this weather will break soon and I'll be able to once again start Insanity for Round 2.
