Sunday, July 29, 2012

Is the Hot Trend Over Yet????


So, you probably wondered what happened to me.  Even if you didn't, I'm going to tell you anyways.

I wasn't abducted by aliens.  I wasn't hit by a train or in some other random accident.

In fact, I've been sitting on my couch reading the In Death novels by J.D. Robb and sweating because it's been too damn hot to do anything else.  Let me tell you something - if you don't have central air conditioning, and your region has been experiencing some of the hottest weather on record for the last 30-odd days - GO GET CENTRAL AIR!

We have two window units in our house (no central AC).  The one in our bedroom is kick ass, and sometimes I would just lay in there with the nice cold air blowing.  Our living room unit is from April of 1982.  I know this because it is stamped on the metal casing.  When it hits 90 degrees at 10:00 a.m., it blows out warm air.  I posted a pic on Facebook (I'll share it here too) from July 18th where it was 91 degrees INSIDE at 4:30 p.m. with the AC unit cranking on high.  The pic says 3:33, but I forgot to adjust it for daylight savings time.  :) Although, thinking about it now, 3:33 is half as hot as Hell (6:66) so that's kind of a cruel little joke.  I was feeling too much like a scrambled egg to realize it before.

July 18, 2012 - Living Room temp with AC unit cranking.

So, needless to say, I'm not stupid enough to workout in that type of heat.  Which sucks because for the last thirty days, it's been noting but HOT.  You add in the humidity and heat index and it's REALLY HOT.  Hopefully we'll get a break soon and I can get back on the ball.  I ranted on one of our Facebook pages yesterday:
So, I'm having a bit of a problem. It's been too hot to exercise (anywhere) for the last 30-odd days. No exercise to be accountable for has created the bad mentality of "You don't need to eat 5 times a day or drink 72 ounces of water because you're just going to sit on the couch or floor and sweat your a$$ off". I still try to push the water (heat + my meds require it), but I skip the meals. I still eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up, and I have to eat lunch and dinner (again, meds), but I'll eat a few carrots for lunch, or a 90 calorie granola bar. But I don't do the snack thing - mostly because I don't feel hungry - at all. It's too damn hot to eat. This has turned much more into a rant of circumstances I can't change than I meant it too - but it burns my a$$ that I killed myself to change my eating habits and exercise insanely (haha), and I can just feel all that hard work slipping away - and until this weather breaks, I can't do a thing about it.

And that pretty much sums it up.

I haven't abandoned you, it's just been too damn hot to sit at my computer and type, much less do anything else even remotely productive.  This heat can't last forever, and when it goes away, you'll be seeing my "I'm starting Insanity from the top again!" posts because, well, Insanity rocks.  :) 


P.S. - If you're wondering, I got the pic at the top of this post from  It reminded me of TH sweating, so I had to use it.  :)

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