Thursday, June 21, 2012

Diablo 3 - Darling, Come Home: A Quieter Criticism

My WoW guild master linked this Diablo 3 post on her Facebook page.  I read it and agreed 100% with the poster.  It so accurately describes our ... unrest ... that I felt the absolute need to post it here.

A very teeny tiny amount of background: Diablo 3 has been broken for reasons we just can't understand.  It's almost like the designers forgot why we've all loved the Diablo franchise for so many years.  I can't really go into more issues without possibly nerd-raging about lag, deaths, no power, less loot, less gold, and real money auction houses.

So, I'm just going to point you to this very well written post on the Blizzard Diablo 3 forums.  If you have an account there, and you agree with what he says, please, "like" the post and request a sticky.  Maybe, just maybe, if enough of us do it, the developers will see it and make some real changes, or at the very least, respond.

Darling, Come Home: a quieter criticism by FluffyMuffin

I will share a few of his words here:
Fun is a subjective thing. I've never cared about competing. And I know many people who live for it. I'm fine with that. But this was my sanctuary. The sports-lovers played Starcraft. The gear-mongers played WoW. Diablo was never a sport, it wasn't about "progression" in a rigid structured sense. Diablo existed for 1 reason... to beat monsters until they exploded like blood-filled loot pinatas. That's all. And if you should so happen to set foot outside town, and look at someone the wrong way... maybe you'd be the blood-filled pinata. But in the time I played D2, it never happened unprovoked.
And yes, I realize test monsters with 1 HP explode no matter what attack you use. But again, this is what we saw, and this is what we fell in love with. If my barbarian charged across a bridge, blew apart 50 monsters, and all the resulting carnage and gore being rendered crashed my computer, I'd laugh maniacally and reboot just to do it all again. Why? Because it's fun.
And one more:
Treasure Goblins are, in my eyes, the last glimmering hope. In the middle of all this, there's a nasty little psychological gimmick. How great is my greed? And with child-like glee, and mindless recklessness, I plunge headlong into a group of monsters to chase down a goblin with a bag of goodies, so I can beat him mercilessly to death. The most innocent and innocuous of monsters. He counts his gold, and runs away, because he doesn't want to fight. Yet we slaughter them amid laughter and cheers. This, my friends, is Diablo.

 We don't want balance. We don't want to be held by the hand and shown how to play. We don't want safe secure new ways to burn real money. We want to be unleashed on a world full of evil, demonic, hellish-looking sacks of blood, guts, and gold... and we want to be encouraged to play it exactly as we want and find fun for ourselves. We want to feel this intangible, non-existing "too much power." We want the Blizzard and the Diablo we know and love back.
Please - read the thread.  It has to be one of the best written posts I've ever seen on a gaming forum.

Darling, Come Home: a quieter criticism by FluffyMuffin

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