Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Turbo Jam - Week 1, Days 1 & 2

Okay, so I know you were breathlessly awaiting my post yesterday on how my first Turbo Jam, Learn & Burn, went.

Weren't you?



You didn't get one because as excited as I was to start it, I didn't actually do Turbo Jam yesterday.  I did Diablo III Jam.  TH and I had a marathon.  We got both our main characters into Hell mode, got our first set of alts into Nightmare mode, and finished making TH's Staff of Herding.  We then had to go check out the area Staff of Herding unlocks, which is called Whimseyshire, and it was quite hilarious by the way.  I definitely recommend checking it out if you have the chance.  Tell me you don't laugh hilariously.  Just don't pee in your pants because I'm totally not responsible for that.

So, I did two sets of Learn & Burn today.  I was going to add in a Cardio Abs from Insanity, simply as a "Haha, you didn't do your workout yesterday, so now you have to do another one" type thing, but I was so frustrated that I just turned the DVD player off.

Not because it was hard or ineffective.  Quite opposite actually.  Learn & Burn takes the moves that you'll be using for the next two months, and teaches you how to combine them to effectively work your body. 

The problem lies with me.  I'm not coordinated.  AT ALL.  If I learned anything from doing Learn & Burn today, it's that the cats have to go away because I don't want to fall on them when I trip over my own feet and that I mostly likely will have a black eye at least once during the next two months because I will end up punching myself in the face.

Yeah, that's how uncoordinated I am.

Now, I will tell you that during doing Learn & Burn twice in a row, things got a bit easier, but not a whole hell of a lot.  And I will tell you that the exercises I did where I didn't manage to maim myself or a feline actually felt good to do.  Those muscles are a little achy now, which I've totally missed since I ended Insanity a few weeks back.

I have a feeling Turbo Jam will actually be the workout to get rid of most of my flab if I can actually get my body parts to follow what the people on the screen are doing.  :)  Oh, and if I do happen to punch myself in the face, or trip over my own two feet, I'll post pictures to prove it. I'm going to go make myself a kick ass glass of Chocolate Shakeology to reward myself for a good day's work.

See ya tomorrow!

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