Thursday, March 22, 2012

*Words Go Here* (March 21, 2012)

I'm alive.  Barely.  My fingers hurt and it's hard to think, not to mention spell.

I haven't done this much physical crap since I was a sophomore in high school.  That was 1998, I think.  I might be wrong.

I didn't think it was possible to sweat this much.  It just won't stop.

Creepy Staring Cats have abandoned me for cool spots in the the bath tub.  I'd love to be in the bath tub, but I'd have to clean it first and I really just can't.  It's 86 degrees in here, which is probably why I can't stop sweating.  Yesterday it was worse...88.

Really need to look into getting workout shoes.  My Sketchers are pinching & sliding around too much.

Must find cool spot & water.  Mucho water.

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