Monday, March 26, 2012

Starting Week 2, Day 1

I feel blah today.  I think I've decided I don't like rest days.

Remember how I said yesterday I was going to maybe do the Wii things?  Yeah, I played Minecraft for 16 hours instead.  There's the nerd.  So I did absolutely nothing productive except make my castle bigger.  I also only ate twice, drank a lot of coffee and water, but I snacked on lots of cashews.  So...I gotta do something different on rest days.

Going to start Week 2, Day 1 earlier than normal today.  TH doesn't work tonight, so during my normal work out period, he will be awake.  This is not okay.  I love him to death, but that doesn't mean I want him listening and/or watching as I push my way through Cardio Power & Resistance today.  It's bad enough that the cats stare at me, I don't want him doing it either.  LOL!

I also found my cloth measuring tape.  It was in a box it shouldn't have been in.  I re-did my measurements, and found that my robe belt + ruler method was almost accurate.  In reality, with my trusty tape, my measurements were BIGGER!  How terrible is that.  So, I recorded them on my Team Beach Body page chart, and hope they start shrinking soon.  One note though: I've read that you will get larger measurements & sometimes actually gain weight in the first week or two.  It's because your muscles are working harder, so they swell up a little bit.  Also, muscle weighs more than fat.  So, I'm not freaking out yet.

Let's hope Week 2 is better than Week 1 was!

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