Sunday, March 25, 2012

Insanity - Week 1, Day 6 - Complete

So today is REST DAY!  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And yes, I'm actually excited about this, but a little let down too.  I kinda want to work out today.  Maybe I'll hop on the Wii to do some Super Hula Hoops and some Yoga stretches.  Then I might as well play Mario Kart while I'm there and have everything dragged out.

I wanted to take a minute to reflect on my Week 1 experiences.  I felt it might be a good way to help others to see how each week progresses.  I also thought that I wouldn't notice a difference in anything after only one week.

I was wrong.

On Day 2 of Insanity (Day 1 is actually the Fit Test), you start with Plyometric Cardio Circuit, and you end Week 1 with it.  Now, on Day 1, the house was 88 degrees and yesterday it was only 78 degrees in here, so I don't know if that made a difference.  But ...  yesterday was WAY easier than Day 1.  I was actually able to stretch further and do more of the intervals.  I still can't do a normal push-up to save my life, or the Level 1 drills the way you're supposed too - but I can do *some* of it, which is better than day one.  I took less frequent breaks to breathe too.  I'm pretty damned proud of myself.

And I swear the jeans fit better, but that could just be my mind playing tricks on me.  It's happened before.  :)

So, overall, I feel great, I have more energy, and I don't feel like quitting.  Is that how it was/is for anyone else?

As for the fitness goals, they are a bit harder to get used too.  I'm having a troubles eating five times a day.  It just feels like way too much to me, even if it's only a banana or some cashews or yogurt.  See, I used to only eat once, maybe twice, a day.  Sometimes not at all.  So this whole "make sure you eat five times every day" is difficult.  So is not guzzling coffee with my french vanilla creamer all day.  Do you have any idea how many calories are in a mug of my coffee?  145!  And I normally have 2-3 mugs!!!  So cutting back on that indulgence is almost more difficult than eating 5 times a day.

On the fun side, I downloaded this awesome, awesome texture pack for Minecraft today called vonDoomCraft.  It.  Is.  Awesome.  It's going to make the ginormous castle I'm building look completely amazing.  The husband (TH from now on!) is making all these cool little harvesting gadgets.  We now have an automatic egg harvester, wheat harvester, and he's built me a pretty sweet automatic gate for the castle.  I'll post pics at a later date when we move them from the test world to our live version.  :)

So, pretty good week!  I hope you've enjoyed reading so far.  I'm new at this blogging thing, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.  :)

See ya!

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