Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Fitness Goals

I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to add to this blog to make it interesting, and figured I'd post up my fitness goals.  It took me HOURS to think of this list, because, duh, I want to lose weight.  Isn't that what working out is about?  Coach Brandy told me I should make a list for "Final Goals" and "Daily Goals".  I took it a step further and made a "Weekly Goals" list as well.  Why?  Because if I have a list to check off every day, I feel a bit more accomplished.  "Hey look what I did!".  It's because I procrastinate a lot, and they really do help.

If you're looking for a little help with your goals, try these:

Daily Goals
  • Drink a glass (8 oz.) of water with every snack & meal
  • Eat 5 times a Day - Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner
  • Log my Calorie Intake with My Fitness Pal
  • Do the WORKOUT!
  • Eat suggested serving sizes, not how much I really want.  
Weekly Goals
  • Lose 1.5 pounds OR 1/2" inch on a body part; it doesn't matter which one
  • Record bi-weekly measurements & weight, and ONLY bi-weekly.  No checking weight in between measuring days.
  • Since I'm currently doing Shaun T's Insanity, I want 6/6 workouts done.  Sundays are rest days.
  • Don't injure my knee or any other body part by pushing too hard when I'm not ready for it yet.
 Final Goals
  • Final weight of 180 pounds
  • A flat stomach so I can get the belly ring I've been coveting since I was 18
  • Have more energy
  • Complete lifestyle change by eating healthier foods & proper portion sizes without realizing it
  • Be able to wear the "closet jeans" with no belly flab hanging over the top
Those are my goals.  Yours might be different, but maybe they'll help by giving you some ideas.

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