Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Focus T25 - The New Workout by Shaun T!

Image from Focus T25 Facebook Page

The creator if Insanity and Insanity: The Asylum is back with a new program.  This program is focused on a fast, hardcore workout in only 25 minutes.  Quoted from here, Shaun says:


The only thing that stands between you and the results you want is time. That's why I experimented for the last year to see if I could create the same kind of results you'd expect from an hour-long program, in under 30 minutes.
The result is FOCUS T25–and the name implies the intent: If you focus your intensity for 25 minutes, and you do it 5 days a week, you WILL get results.
Yes, you are working out for less time. But since you have your shorts on, since you have your sneakers on, and you managed to Push Play, I'm just asking you to give it everything you've got, for ONLY 25 minutes. You focus, and you go! 25 minutes. 5 days a week. 100% results.
And there are major university studies out there that prove the value of shorter, more intense workouts. But I'll save that for later. The only question now is, do you want to be one of the first to see these routines and what kind of results you can get? The answer is yes, because these routines were created at the specific request of Beachbody® CEO Carl Daikeler. The guy's got no time, and he personally reviewed every detail so he could make T25 HIS personal program.
Don't miss the biggest breakthrough in health and fitness since Insanity. Join our email list and I'll make sure you don't miss out on the latest news about FOCUS T25.

So what does this mean?  It means "YES!!!!!!" in really big bold letters and lots of exclamation points.  I've been trying hard to get figure out which workout I wanted to tackle next, but with the energy and excitement that I felt for Insanity.  When I saw this pop up on my Facebook wall, I was like "Oh hell yeah!".  Even TH is excited about it, as he has limited time each day (seriously, he works like 14 hour days with an hour drive each way).  This is perfect for him, as he just didn't have the time to commit to the 45 minutes to almost two hours that Insanity has. 

Right now, the date they are estimating for release is Summer 2013.  And since spring has decided to take it's sweet time getting here, we can only hope that summer gets here sooner than spring has.

Head over to the Focus T25 Facebook page, and click "Like".  Once you do that, if you then click on the "Be The First!" image under the cover photo, you can enter your email address and be informed when they release Focus T25 for sale.

Alternatively, you can follow this post or the Nerfing Flab, Buffing Life Facebook page and I'll let you know when it's available - which I hope is sooner than summer, but one can wish.  :)

NOTE: All the images on this posting are from the Focus T25 Facebook page.  I do not own them in any way, shape or form. 

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