Thursday, June 7, 2012

Turbo Jam - Week 1, Days 3 & 4

So, 20 Minute Workout.  Sounds easy enough.

Not really.

My Wednesday and Thursday workouts were both 20 Minute Workout.  I was pro-active and did my Thursday one just a little while ago so I could write about both of them at once since I'll be really super busy when I wake up later.  We're going out to the campground again, and I swear, the kitchen WILL BE CLEAN before we leave.  I made a huge dent in it by doing the dishes already, but it needs more work.

On to the workout video.

In all honesty, it's not the workout that's hard.  It's me being uncoordinated.  I actually did 20 Minute workout three times during MY "day", once earlier around midnight and twice after 3:30 a.m.  Those of you who have read my blog, know that my "day" is when normal people are sleeping, so for you new readers, that's why some of this may sound strange.

So the moves are simple, the music is good, and Chalene Johnson really is fun to watch.  I just can't get my body to do what she's doing.  Now, by the third time around, I was a bit better at timing the punches and such, but when it came time to add in kicks is where I was getting all clumsy and lopsided.  I feel like I have four left feet and they are all going in opposite directions.

Now, for the effect it's having on my body and muscles, well, even Chalene says during the 20 minute workout "Bet it doesn't even feel like a workout, does it?".  And it doesn't.  I went from "do as many of these things in 30 seconds (or a minute) as you can" to dancing/kick-boxing/sculpting.  It just feels like...I don't know, I can't really describe it.  All I know is I'm about to say the one thing I never thought would come out of my mouth (or fingers in this case):

I really, really, really wish I was doing Insanity. 

There, I said it.  I miss Shaun T, and I miss feeling like I actually worked out.  With 20 minute workout, even after doing it twice in a row, I didn't feel like I got a workout - at least, not what I'm used too.  I'm hoping that as my muscles learn these moves and I am able to stay in sync with Chalene, I will start to feel like I'm doing something besides feel ridiculous.

I'm done with the schedule for this week, but I'm probably going to pop in Learn & Burn tomorrow just to practice the moves some more to help with that muscle memory and coordination that I am seriously lacking.

On a completely different topic, our cat Yarly scared the crap out of me earlier.  I was outside having a smoke and he's waiting for me by the back door.  Well, he goes to walk into the kitchen and his back leg goes out on him and he lets out this absolutely awful sound.  Remember, it's like 4 in the morning when this happens, TH is at work, and I panic a little bit.  I kind of just held him up around his belly for a bit because he was stuck in a half step pose (kinda looked like a Hip Flexor Stretch cat-style actually), and then I made him lay down for a bit. 

I sat on the floor and pet him, then he gets up like nothing happened.  So, I felt bad and gave him and Leela some treats just to make him feel better.  Not that Yarly needs them - he's like 22 pounds of huge furriness.  I do believe a trip to the vet may be in order though.

I probably won't write anything until after Monday's workout (camping and all), so we'll talk to you then!

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